Sunday, June 11, 2006

Secure With Dadda When the Blender Is On

The other day I was making a smoothie in the blender. Before even turning the thing on, my little guy got scared and ran out of the kitchen. So I went and picked him up to reassure him it would be okay. With him still in my arms I turned on the blender and made the smoothie. He watched with wonder and held on tight. But he was safe, because Dadda was holding him.

I wonder how differnt life would be at times If we just remembered that our heavenly Father was holding us in his arms. We wouldn't get scared and freaked out when we encounter things in life that are new or scary. We would attempt and accomplish some amazing things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ej can see and feel the arms that are holding him and protecting him.
that makes a difference.