Sunday, November 15, 2009

Typewriter Demolished, Keys Saved, Jewelry Made

Found an old Royal Typewriter, harvested the keys, made a masterpiece for my bride of 7 years. It was to be a Christmas present (last year), didn't happen for her B-day either. Finally got it done for our anniversary in August. She liked it. Finally took a picture for the world to see. Now how am I going to top that for this Christmas?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Found it!

My long lost Leatherman has been found! You know, the one that was given to me as a gift from a small design team that I led the summer of 1999. So it has sentimental value and high utility value. And so now I have two Leatherman tools since my wife bought me the Wave this past Christmas. So does this mean I'll become doubly handy around the house? Maybe so...